17 Grassington Road
BD23 1LL
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Tel. 01756 792772
Mob. 07768 742272
E-mail parkhillskipton@aol.com



Bed and Breakfast
per room per night

or £75 for single occupancy

Cash, Cheque or Bank transfer taken. Please note we don't have facilities for card payments.
Maximum two persons per room.

We are a non smoking establishment and do not cater to children under 12 or pets


Park Hill is situated on the Grassington Road about half a mile (1 km) from Skipton High Street. The detached property is set in pleasant gardens with open views, very convenient for walking to shops, rail and bus stations and other local amenities.

If arriving by road, look out for the Grassington Road Roundabout on the A59. Take the exit towards the town centre. We are on the right hand side, half way between the roundabout and the High Street in Skipton town centre. Look out for the large flowerpots at the entrance to our drive.

Park Hill stands opposite the Battery, thought to be so named because of a cannon emplacement during the siege of Skipton Castle in the English Civil War.

View towards the Battery

For more information about the Skipton area see local info tab above.

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